Monday, December 12, 2011

Biology management plan reflection

            Animas High School students all conducted an individual management plan pertaining to an invasive species disrupting to the natural habitat of the leopard frog. These management plans consisted of the ridding of the bullfrog. The bullfrog is a very invasive species and threatens to extinguish the leopard frog population. We cannot let this happen because DNS wants their nature reserve to have only native species, and for those native species to thrive. The management plans conducted by AHS are in effort to help the DNS property owners with their goal.

            When doing this project I learned that the bullfrog is a very invasive species and it threatening the existence of other amphibians in the aria. This is because the bullfrog can live and adapt in many more harsh environments, which makes them much more successful at reproducing and spreading. This means that they out compete any other amphibian for food and can live in more places that other amphibians. They overall have less requirements needed to live.